Is your art your passion? Do you have a creative side hustle you wish would be your full-time gig? Are you looking for a way out from your day job?

Want to know how to price your work so you actually make money?

If you cringe when you hear terms like “cost of doing business” and “cash flow” and “bookkeeping,” you are a completely normal creative entrepreneur.

If you scramble at the end of every tax year to scrounge up enough information to make it through the paperwork, you might be a completely stressed creative entrepreneur.

And if you have no idea what to charge for your services and cringe whenever you put words to that number, we’re pretty sure your world will be rocked by this course.

Pricing for the creative entrepreneur

We’re artists. We’re emotionally invested in our work. But creating a quote and pricing our work shouldn’t be an emotional task—it’s a scientific, mathematical exercise in accounting. And it’s not hard.

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Your course instructors know first-hand how intimidating setting and sticking to prices can be

They have both worked through this process for their own businesses and know how tough setting prices for your art can be. In order to help other creative entrepreneurs set appropriate prices, they developed this course in order to make objective pricing decisions based on your unique craft and individual goals.

Meet Robyn Roste (left)— professional writer and marketing strategist. Since 2006 she’s used her journalism training in marketing, blogging, podcasting, and helping others share their story. On the side she’s a fibre artist who is passionate about knitting and is learning how to spin.

Meet Jennifer Pinkerton (right)—professional photographer and visual artist. For the past decade she has honed her skills and delighted clients with her signature velvety, moody, romantic images. She’s an expert at bringing people’s true beauty to light by highlighting who they are at their core.

Meet Robyn and Jennifer aka Sage Media and Marketing

Robyn and Jennifer know all too well how scary it can feel to have a passion for a creative endeavour, and want to do it for a living, but have no idea how to bring that vision to life. Through personal stories and practical action plans, they inspire and empower other creatives to set realistic creative goals starting with getting a handle on their finances.

How to Price Your Work is an honest look at the creative life and speaks to the heart of the matter—how you can live the life you’ve always wanted by pricing your art properly.

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How to Price Your Work will teach you…how to price your work

Charging money for art is challenging, difficult and intimidating. Robyn and Jennifer know this well and want to take the emotion out of setting rates. Their goal is to to empower creatives to price their products well, and to make a living from their work.

Find encouragement from two creative entrepreneurs who have learned how to price their work properly and have seen their businesses take off as a result.

Here are a few of the takeaways you’ll get from this course

  • Overcome insecurity and doubt around setting prices
  • Know how to price your work with confidence
  • Learn how to charge what your art is worth
  • Gain confidence in selling
  • Become a self-sufficient artist by pricing your work appropriately and not undercutting yourself

Here are a few of the practical skills you’ll learn from this course

  • Understand what goes into pricing
  • Learn an objective, fact-based system for pricing
  • Know your true cost of doing business
  • Develop a simple system for keeping track of your goals and expenses
  • Learn simple mindset tips for taking your business seriously

What the course looks like

  • 2 modules: Mindset and Money
  • 10 lessons (a mix of video and audio)
  • 3 homework assignments to help you think like a business and calculate your cost of doing business

As a bonus for enrolling in this course, we’ve created an accounting tool that will help you remove the emotion from your pricing and allow you to confidently share your prices without fear. This spreadsheet is an exclusive download from us to you, and we include a video walkthrough to use it as well.

30-day, money-back guarantee

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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What our students are saying

“One thing I really appreciate about this course is that it makes me think ahead to the future. One day I might want to rent space, do some travelling, account for taxes, and I don’t think I would have thought to account for all of these things right out of the gate. I definitely appreciate that insight. ” —Cassy

“The class on pricing artwork, and all the various aspects that add to the cost of doing business particularly stood out to me, because I hadn’t thought of everything. I was pretty much just winging it. Still am really, but I feel more prepared than I did.” —Jolynn

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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like—across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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Make your life easier while growing your business

You’re ready to invest in yourself and your business but it’s hard when you see your to-do list getting longer and your goals feeling far off in the distance.

Sage Media and Marketing exists to help you see the opportunities that already exist for your business and innovate strategies to help make those opportunities work for you.

How to Price Your Work is an honest look at the creative life and speaks to the heart of the matter—how you can live the life you’ve always wanted by pricing your art properly.