How to Switch to a Business Instagram Profile

If you’re on Instagram representing a brand or experience or business, then you should switch to a business Instagram account. The End.

Full disclosure, though: I was a nonconformist. Despite implementing a social media strategy on my account, I waited over a year before switching my personal account to a business account. In a series of logical-to-me reasons, I delayed the switch and I regret it.

Switching to an Instagram business account was a simple, seamless process and the benefits have been numerous.

Instagram Business Profiles Means Easier Contact

By having a business account, my prospective clients can call or email me directly from my profile. (If I had a physical location for clients, they could also easily access directions!)  The added touch point means my new client can email me directly from Instagram without all the clicks to get from Instagram to my website to my contact page to the form.

Instagram Business Analytics Are Awesome

I’m not sure how I managed without Instagram Business Analytics.  By switching to an Instagram Business profile, I know how many times my images have been viewed (not just how many times they’ve been “liked”!), a snapshot of who my followers are (men or women? Age range? location?) and which of my posts have been seen the most!  If no other benefit existed, this is why I would recommend switching to Instagram Business.

Create and manage promotions on Instagram

Instagram’s main reason to switch you to a Business Profile is, of course, your newfound ability to create and manage promotions within your profile. By paying for extra visibility, you are able to reach more potential customers through the promotions option.

Auto-Posting is Now an Option

The newest benefit (and possibly the only reason you’ll ever need!) of a Business Profile is the brand-new ability to schedule auto-posting to Instagram from platforms such as Hootsuite and Tailwind.  Batching your instagram post has never been easier!  Businesses and social media managers everywhere have been dreaming of this option and now that it’s here, switching to a Business profile is even more beneficial. Imagine not having to manually post ever again!

How to Switch to an Instagram Business Profile

The actual switch is remarkably easy: visit your profile on the App, click “Edit Profile” and then “Try Instagram Business Tools”.

Truly, it’s that simple.   Instagram will walk you through a few options and a brief tutorial and then you’re done, ready to see analytics and manage promotions and auto-post!

When you made the switch to Instagram Business Profile, what benefit did you notice the most?

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